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Welcome. A purpose is born.

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a roller coaster year for most of us. With the COVID-19 global pandemic in the background, one could easily despair and feel like this year is gone to waste. Yet, this year for me has personally been the best year for growth and development as I embarked on professional coaching.

The process of coaching brings about powerful insights that clears away any mental fog leading to high clarity of thoughts. The magic happens when these insights are translated into actions that moves the coachee to transformation. The joy of knowing someone transformed coming out of a coaching process is very fulfilling and life giving. In its very essence, this is why The Tree Of Life Project is born.

What better time to give than now, and what a better way to care for your self or for your loved ones than giving them the experience of coaching. Icing on the cake, you are also giving hope and support to children in need of education through our chosen charity this year, World Vision.

Give it a try, you will ask for more.

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